Martin Zwierlein
Thomas A. Frank (1977) Professor of Physics
Department of Physics, Center for Ultracold Atoms and Research Laboratory of Electronics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Room 26-255
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Curriculum Vitae | Physics Dept. Bio | Quantum World Video
Eric Wolf
Graduate Student – BEC1: Fermionic Superfluids
Room 26-267
Huan Bui
Graduate Student – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
Graduate Student – BEC1: Fermionic Superfluids (2021-2023)
Room 26-267
Yiming Zhang
Graduate Student – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
Room 26-265
Jacob VanArsdale
Graduate Student – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
Room 26-265
Botond Oreg
Graduate Student – Fermi2: Fermi Gas Microscope
Room 26-167
Carter Turnbaugh
Graduate Student – Fermi2: Fermi Gas Microscope
Room 26-167
Tingran Wang
Graduate Student – Fermi2: Fermi Gas Microscope
Room 26-167
Ruixiao Yao
Graduate Student – Fermi3: Two-Dimensional Fermi Gases
Room 26-267
Sungjae Chi
Graduate Student – Fermi3: Two-Dimensional Fermi Gases
Room 26-267
Kevin Wang
Graduate Student – Fermi3: Two-Dimensional Fermi Gases
Room 26-267
Alexander Yu Chuang
Graduate Student – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
Ningyuan Jia
Postdoctoral Associate – Fermi2: Fermi Gas Microscope
Senior Quantum Scientist at QuERA Computing, Inc.
Airlia Shaffer-Moag
Graduate Student – Fermi3: Two-Dimensional Fermi Gases
Postdoc with Galit Lahav at Harvard Medical School
Thomas Hartke
Graduate Student – Fermi2: Fermi Gas Microscope
Yiqi Ni
Graduate Student – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
Cedric Wilson
Graduate Student – Fermi3: Two-Dimensional Fermi Gases
Postdoc with Charles Brown at Yale
Carsten Robens
Postdoctoral Associate
Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK | BEC1: Fermionic Superfluids
Quantum Research Scientist at AWS Center for Quantum Networking
Richard Fletcher
Pappalardo Postdoctoral Fellow
Fermi3: Two-Dimensional Fermi Gases
Parth Patel
Graduate Student – BEC 1: Fermionic Superfluids
Scientist at Vector Atomic
Biswaroop Mukherjee
Graduate Student – BEC 1: Fermionic Superfluids
Quantum Research Scientist, Software at Amazon
Zhenjie Yan
Graduate Student – BEC 1: Fermionic Superfluids
Postdoc with Dan Stamper-Kurn at UC Berkeley
Zoe Yan
Graduate Student – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
Postdoc with Waseem Bakr at Princeton
Lev Kendrick
Undergraduate Student – Fermi3
J. Thatcher Chamberlin
Undergraduate Student – Fermi3
Matthew Nichols
Graduate Student – Fermi2: Fermi Gas Microscope
Quantitative Researcher at Radix Trading
Hao Zhang
Postdoctoral Associate – Fermi2: Fermi Gas Microscope
Elmer Guardado-Sanchez
Undergraduate Student – BEC 1: Fermionic Superfluids
PhD student with Waseem Bakr at Princeton
Wenjie Ji
Graduate Student – Theory of Fermionic Superfluids
Working with Xiao-Gang Wen at MIT
Mark Ku
Graduate Student – BEC 1: Fermionic Superfluids
Postdoc at Harvard
Jennifer Schloss
Graduate Student – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
Graduate Student with Ron Walsworth
Qingyang Wang
Graduate Student – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
Graduate Student with Susanne Yelin
Waseem Bakr
Postdoctoral Fellow
Assistant Professor at Princeton University
Jordan Goldstein
Undergraduate Student
Peyman Ahmadi
Postdoctoral Fellow 08/2008-12/2011
Research Scientist at Nufern
Caroline Figgatt
Undergraduate Student 01/2008-05/2011
Graduate Student in the group of Chris Monroe, NIST/Maryland
Thomas Gersdorf
Diploma Student (ETH Zürich) 03/2011-02/2012
Diploma Thesis:
A Quantum Gas Microscope for Fermionic Atoms
Sara Campbell
Undergraduate Student 01/2009 – 06/2010
Summer Student 05/2011-07/2011
Senior thesis:
Building an Apparatus for Ultracold Lithium-Potassium Fermi-Fermi Mixtures
Graduate Student in the group of Jun Ye, JILA, Boulder, Colorado
2018 Howard-Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Hanna Gray Fellow
Christoph Clausen
Visiting Student 11/2007 – 08/2008
Graduate Student in the group of Nicolas Gisin, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Pangus Ho
Undergraduate Student 01/2008-05/2008
Kevin Fischer
Undergraduate Student 01/2009 – 12/2009
Graduate Student in the group of Jelena Vuckovic, Stanford, CA
Vinay Ramasesh
Undergraduate Student -05/2012
Master Student 2012-2013
Senior thesis:
Towards a Quantum Gas Microscope for Fermionic Atoms
Master thesis:
Construction of a Fermi Gas Microscope for Fermionic Atoms
Graduate student at Berkely with Irfan Siddiqi
Ibon Santiago
Graduate Student 09/2008-05/2012
Master thesis:
LiNaK: Multi-Species Apparatus for the Study of Ultracold Quantum Degenerate Mixtures
Graduate Student at Oxford University
Julian Struck
Postdoctoral Fellow – BEC 1: Fermionic Superfluids
Junior Research Chair Département de Physique
Ecole Normale Supérieure / PSL Research University, CNRS
Sebastian Will
Research Scientist – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
Assistant Professor, Columbia University
Tarik Yefsah
Postdoctoral Fellow -BEC 1: Fermionic Superfluids
CNRS Permanent Researcher at Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
André Schirotzek
Graduate Student 01/2005 – 01/2010
Ph.D. Thesis:
Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy of Ultracold Atomic Fermi Gases
Research Scientist at the Advanced Light Source (ALES)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Scientific Assistant, Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert-Einstein Institute), Berlin
Jacob Sharpe
Undergraduate Student 09/2008 – 08/2009
5 diabolo passing world record holder
Ariel Sommer
Graduate Student 2007-01/2013
Ph.D. Thesis:
Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases: Non-Equilibrium Dynamics and Dimensional Crossover
Postdoctoral Fellow at U. Chicago (Jon Simon) and MIT (W. Ketterle)
Assistant Professor, Lehigh University
Cheng-Hsun Wu
Graduate Student 2007-01/2013
Ph.D. Thesis:
Strongly Interacting Quantum Mixtures of Ultracold Atoms
Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University
Zachary Bogorad
Undergraduate Student – BEC 1: Fermionic Superfluids
Lawrence W. Cheuk
Graduate Student – Fermi2: Fermi Gas Microscope
Ph.D. Thesis:
Quantum Gas Microscopy of Strongly Correlated Fermions
Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University (Group of John Doyle) (2016-2019)
Assistant Professor at Princeton University (since 2019)
Katherine Lawrence
Graduate Student – Fermi2: Fermi Gas Microscope

Huanqian Loh
Postdoctoral Fellow – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
President’s Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Centre for Quantum Technologies
National University of Singapore
Melih Okan
Graduate Student – Fermi2: Fermi Gas Microscope
Emilio Pace
Undergraduate Student – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
Jeewoo Park
Graduate Student – Fermi1: Fermionic Dipolar Molecules of NaK
Postdoctoral Researcher with Prof. Yong-Il Shin at the
Quantum Gas Lab @ Seoul National University